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System Effectiveness Analysis Simulation (SEAS)

About SEAS

What is SEAS?

SEAS is a constructive modeling and simulation tool that enables mission-level military utility analysis. Sponsored by the US Space Force, Space System Command,  it was created to support developmental planning and acquisition decisions for military space systems. SEAS has proven to be a valuable military ops research tool by enabling exploratory analysis of new system concepts, system architectures, and concepts of operations (CONOPS) in the context of joint warfighting scenarios. SEAS is an accepted analysis tool and is part of the Air Force Standard Analysis Toolkit. Over the past three decades, SEAS has been used on numerous Air Force and other DoD studies.


The SEAS agent-based modeling environment enables the simulation of complex, adaptive interactions of opposing military forces in a physics-based battlespace. Simulated entities (agents) execute programmable behavioral and decision-making rules based on battlespace perception. Warfighting outcomes emerge as a result of the complex interactions of the agents with each other and their environment, enabling military utility analysis. The ability to represent networked military forces reacting and adapting to perception-based scenario dynamics, makes SEAS ideally suited for exploring new warfighting capabilities; in particular, those provided by Space and C4ISR systems.


Powerful Agent-Based Modeling Environment

The SEAS agent-based modeling environment enables the simulation of complex, adaptive interactions of opposing military forces in a physics-based battlespace. Simulated entities (agents) execute programmable behavioral and decision-making rules based on battlespace perception. Warfighting outcomes emerge as a result of the complex interactions of the agents with each other and their environment, enabling military utility analysis.

Integrated Model Editing and Debugging Environment

SEAS has an integrated development environment that provides a single interface for developing, managing, running, and debugging SEAS model files. The warfile editor parses the Tactical Programming Language (TPL) syntax in real-time and alerts the user to syntax errors. The SEAS engine is executed from the interface and the simulation visualization can be displayed in multiple independent scene display windows synced in simulation time.

Flexibility in the Hands of the Analyst

The programmable and constructive nature of SEAS allows the analyst to create models with varying degrees of fidelity, resolution, sophistication, and complexity. While SEAS is typically used for scenario-based military operations research involving aircraft, satellites, ground vehicles, communications systems, weapons and sensors, its flexibility enables it to be used to analyze a broad range of complex adaptive systems, not just military scenarios.

Analytical Graphics and Visualizations

SEAS produces graphic visualizations as a simulation is running. The user interface provides several different view options for displaying map features, sensors fields, satellite orbits, and output plots as results are generated. The analyst can also completely control the output display programmatically with TPL. This powerful feature enables improved debugging and allows the analyst to convey specific model details and results.

Optimized Performance

Most agent-based simulations have performance limitations, and do not scale well since the number of potential agent interactions increases exponentially as the number of agents increase. SEAS tackles this problem with a rich set of advanced algorithms and techniques for efficient simulation and optimization. The result is a simulation system that offers high performance and scalability, with no special hardware requirements.

System Requirements

SEAS runs on any modern desktop computer. The following recommended configurations ensure efficient and reliable performance across Windows, macOS, and Linux platforms:


CPU: Intel Core i7/i9 or AMD Ryzen 7/9
RAM: 16 GB minimum; 32 GB or more for complex simulations
Storage: 1 TB SSD
GPU: NVIDIA GeForce RTX series (e.g., RTX 3060 or better)
OS: Windows 10 Pro or Windows 11 Pro for enhanced security and feature set


CPU: Apple M1 Pro/Max or M2 series
RAM: 16 GB minimum; 32 GB or more for more complex simulations
Storage: 1 TB SSD
GPU: Integrated Apple GPU (M1/M2 Pro/Max)
OS: macOS Ventura or later for the latest performance improvements and security features


CPU: Intel Core i7/i9 or AMD Ryzen 7/9
RAM: 16 GB minimum; 32 GB or more recommended
Storage: 1 TB SSD
GPU: NVIDIA GPU with good driver support (e.g., RTX 3060 or better)
OS: CentOS (builds for other distributions are available upon request)

Version History

The SEAS program began in the early 90’s to support space force modernization. In order to establish investment priorities for future space system acquisition programs, the Air Force needed a way to evaluate the potential effectiveness of alternative space system concepts in the context of warfighting scenarios. A detailed review of existing scenario-based mission / campaign tools identified significant shortcomings for Space/C4ISR modeling. SEAS was created to address these deficiencies and enable broad exploration of space system/architecture effects on major combat operations. Initial development of SEAS focused on the ability to explicitly model the sensor-to-shooter link and capture the non-linear behavioral impact of C4ISR on spatial/temporal maneuver and attrition of terrestrial forces. SEAS development has been study-driven for three decades and has evolved to be one of the most powerful and versatile modeling, simulation, and analysis tools available for military operations research.



SEAS 4.0 Phoenix

The most anticipated update to SEAS is finally here! This version contains a redesigned modern user interface with expanded capabilities such as an integrated model code editor, embedded visual debugger, project file management, entity browser and force tree views, attribute displays and editing, improved watch variable plotting, multiple independent scene display views, and more. This version is fully cross-platform compatible, with Windows, macOS, and Linux versions available.


Logo for Version 4.0

Created new logo for the upcoming release of SEAS 4.0 (code name Phoenix). The Phoenix celebrates the “resurrection“ of SEAS after undertaking a significant user interface update designed to speed and improve model development and analysis cycles.

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SEAS 3.13

Added dynamic agent/force capabilities allowing the creation of agents and forces at run time; improved the debugger tool with full code display, live breakpoints, and watch window; added 2D top-down projection view; improved terrain capabilities including agent terrain following and surface orientation modes; added device offset capability relative to parent location; expanded kill types, including sub-kill types of mobility, weapons, communications, sensors, and an options new casualty model; added two new Pk Table entry types, one for specifying sub-kill probabilities and one for using a lookup table to provide more fine-grained, situation-dependent probabilities; expanded run-time overlay capabilities; added an interactive line-of-sight measurement tool.

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Changed the format of the installer files to address potential installation issues on some systems.

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SEAS 3.12.2

Expanded satellite maneuvering with a new finite-duration burn capability, including new planning functions to assist in defining burns that achieve the desired orbital parameters; fixed a rare memory leak when a message needs to be resent; added commandline option to display seed value in use; added ability to set/get refresh rate and error level using TPL.


SEAS 3.12.1

Added new device attributes/properties to provide more granular control over the orientation of device Fields of View (FOV); added new function for the map data structure to lookup the existence of a key without modifying the map; fixed a regression bug introduced in version 3.12 related to satellite orbit states; improved error handling in several of the string helper functions; fixed a memory leak that persisted across runs when using the map data structure.


SEAS 3.12

Added a new map data structure for associating a variable with an arbitrary key value; added support for loading Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED) Level 2, along with new functions for querying elevation data; improved the fidelity of the inertial reference frame; added ability for sensors to detect jammers; updated Python to version 3.6.4 and all third-party modules to their latest versions; added two new functions to load new TLE orbits at runtime; improved control of auto-broadcast of local target lists; added RSW display frame of reference for satellites.

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SEAS 3.11.3

Corrected a bug related to passing arrays with lists and nodes into functions; corrected a bug with SetSate not working for TLE satellites; fixed a character limit issue with the Read command; improved working with Trace files; changed sound playback to be asynchronous.


SEAS 3.11.2

Added an embedded Python interpreter to allow native Python code to be called from TPL code; updated visual style of the user interface; added more display controls for Regions; significantly improved the resolution of the time-based random number seed generator.


SEAS 3.11.1

Corrected a bug in the satellite numerical propagaor; fixed the View Menu weapons FOV settings.

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SEAS 3.11

Implemented directional weapons and comms; enhanced the comms model – added more robust routing; enhanced satellite maneuving – added more Lambert maneuver functions with additional contraints; added ability to dynamically define satellite orbits; added post-launch dynamic weapon CEPs; added resizable watch variable display and other display enhancements.

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SEAS 3.10

Updated User Interface; updated and improved help system, enhanced IDE – added content assist features, improved template definitions, improved error reporting; added run-time “watch variable“ displays; added new camera controls; added object perception displays; added new tools debugging; added significant new satellite features – satellite body modeling, visible signature modeling, and orientation/attitude modeling.

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SEAS 3.9

Updated User Interface; introduced Eclipse Integrated Development Environment (IDE) for improved model development; signifcantly enhanced satellite modeling – added commands for maneuvering and proximity ops; improved environment models – added new Region structure; added entity grouping; miscellaneus performance improvements and bug fixes.

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SEAS 3.8

Improved satellite modeling; enhanced map imagery; added new display features; added new Road Network functions; expanded custom properties; improved warning and error reporting; miscellaneous performance improvements and bug fixes.

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SEAS 3.7.1

Added confusion matrix for target identification; added Road Network data structure; improved satellite modeling – added new functions for orbit propagation, Earth-centered Inertia/Earth-centered rotating coordinate conversions, and sun position.

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SEAS 3.7

Implemented new help system; added Linked List data structures, user-defined properties, image overlays and new math functions; updated random number generator; added initialization and termination blocks; added new Move type for satellites and ballistic platforms; improved sensor modeling; added Ridgelines for improved terrain modeling.

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SEAS 3.6

Added new TPL commands; introduced UI toolbar; improved weapons modeling – added functions to compute ballistic trajectories and allow weapon speeds to be changed dynamically; improved run-time speed performance.

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SEAS 3.5

Improved communications model – expanded from broadcast model to routed communications model; added new TPL functions and property controls; improved graphics performance.

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SEAS 3.3.1

Improved sensor model and weapon model; implemented various user-community suggested enhancements; miscellaneous bug fixes.


AFSPC M&S Toolkit Acceptance

SEAS is accepted into the HQ Air Force Space Command (AFSPC) Modeling and Simulation Toolkit, established by AFSPC Instruction 16-101.


SEAS 3.3

Added new map imagery based on GEOTOPO 30 elevation database; vehicle agent modifications; sensor model improvements; weapon model improvements.

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SEAS 3.2

Added new TPL commands and properties, multidimensional arrays, new map tilt/pan controls; debug window improvements.

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SEAS 3.1

Improved local target list processing; debug window improvements; miscellaneous engine and UI improvements and bug fixes.

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SEAS 3.0

Improved TPL significantly and modified agent definitions for more robust TPL control; incorporated new image map data.


SEAS 2.2

Expanded model inputs to include a Tactical Programming Language (TPL) for analyst coding of adaptive agent behaviors; abandoned prototype Framework Scenario Editor.

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SEAS 2.1

Improved display options in the User Interface (UI); parallel development path with Naval Simulation System (NSS) engine frozen; miscellaneous bug fixes.

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AFSAT Toolkit Acceptance

SEAS is accepted into the Air Force Standard Analysis Toolkit (AFSAT) as a Mission-Level model. After undergoing extensive testing and review by a dedicated Tiger Team, SEAS becomes the first model to be added to AFSAT without being grandfathered into the toolkit.


SEAS 2.0

Introduced new prototype user interface (Framework Scenario Editor) compatible with the SEAS engine and a Windows version of the Naval System Simulation (NSS) engine; improvements to support dual engines for parallel development path.

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SEAS 1.9

Expanded object definitions and agent commands, improved agent movements, modified communications model to allow orders to travel over comms; miscellaneous bug fixes.

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SEAS 1.1

Corrected significant shortcomings and bugs found in SEAS v1.0 by new development team.

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SEAS 1.0

Initial delivery of SEAS from a Small Business Innovative Research effort; code transferred to Systems Engineering and Technical Assistance support contractor team for further development.

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SEAS Vision is Born

Bob Weber (Aerospace Corporation) creates the vision to apply cutting-edge modeling and simulation frameworks to the development of tool for SMC/XR to quantify the military utility of future space system concepts.

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Network Certification

SEAS is approved by the Air Force Network Integration Center (AFNIC) to be installed on government networks (NIPRNet, SIPRNet). The latest certification memo is for SEAS 3.13. Certification for SEAS 4.0 is currently in progress. Check back here regularly for updates!


New Modern Design

Customizable user interface featuring windowing and docking, force tree displays, entity browser, and attribute viewer/editor.

Powerful New Features

Built-in model editor and visual debugger, multiple scene display views, improved watch variable plotting, and more.

Cross Platform Compatibility

Full user interface/engine cross-platform compatibility, supporting Windows, macOS, and Linux.

SEAS Software Request Form

SEAS is available at no cost to US/allied government organizations and defense contractors with a valid need. Please submit the following software request form to get started. Distribution of SEAS is subject to approval.

SEAS Points of Contact

Have a question or need assistance? Feel free to contact us.

Government Model Manager

Lt. Cameron Neher

Support Contractor

Eric Frisco