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Radio Frequency and Infrared Dual-Mode Seeker (RAIDS)

Different classes of Naval weapon systems have historically employed either radiofrequency (RF) or infrared (IR) seekers for target acquisition and tracking, with IR seekers typically being employed on shorter-range weapon…
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Rapid Anomaly Detection in Images of Unresolved Space Objects (RADIUS)

In the RADIUS effort, ExoAnalytic Solutions (‘Exo’) will take advantage of our previous work in identification of anomalies in imagery. The ExoAnalytic Global Telescope Network (EGTN) is a global network…
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High-Rate Event-Based Attitude Determination System (HEADS)

There is a need for low cost, low SWAP, high accuracy, continuous attitude determination for space vehicles. HEADS will enable the by utilizing COTS event cameras and ExoAnalytic Solutions, Inc.’s…
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Target Recognition and Acquisition in Complex Environments (TRACE)

Our adversaries have evolved beyond conventional ballistic missile systems to developing and deploying advanced systems that travel long ranges at hypersonic velocities with the capability to maneuver to avoid detection…
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Global Anomaly Logging Low Earth Observation Network (GALLEON) | Phase II

There is an acute need for low cost, high accuracy, timely SDA in the LEO domain with future mega-constellation deployments. The Global Anomaly Logging Low Earth Observation Network (GALLEON) concept…
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Statically Aligned Far Field Radio Observation Network

A need exists for low-cost, high-accuracy, timely Space Domain Awareness (SDA) for both the Air Force (AF) and commercial providers. Optical sensors are limited by the Sun, creating detection gaps…
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Global Anomaly Logging Low Earth Observation Network (GALLEON)

There is an acute need for low cost, high accuracy, timely SDA in the LEO domain with future mega-constellation deployments. GALLEON will aid in the persistent observation and anomaly detection…
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Ground-based Object Localization at Long Distances (GOLLD) | Phase II

The GOLLD (Ground-based Object Localization at Long Distances) Phase II effort will build on our successful demonstration in Phase I to further develop the technology needed to provide space domain…
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Ground-based Object Localization at Long Distances (GOLLD)

In this effort titled ‘Ground-based Object Localization at Long Distances,’ ExoAnalytic Solutions proposes to use our existing sensor and data processing technology to detect and track man-made objects beyond geosynchronous…
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There is an acute need for low cost, high accuracy, timely SSA for both the United States Air Force and commercial customers. The ExoAnalytic Global Telescope Network (EGTN) is currently…
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